Friday, September 16, 2016

New City, New Language

When Liban and I first (not-hypothetically) discussed moving to Chennai, there were many unknowns and maybe a little doubt about the timing.  But every door that we've prayed to close if not in His will has not closed, and instead, new doors kept swinging wide open.  We made plans to move without concrete plans for jobs and money but with confidence that He will meet our needs.

Genesis 12:1 says, "The LORD said to Abram, 'Go from your country, your people, and your father's household to the land I will show you.' "  And, since beginning to prepare for this move, I take comfort in the word "will" that is in this verse. It means we don't have to have all the answers right now.

We landed in Chennai only yesterday, but God has already provided big blessings in the areas of housing, friends, and church.  He is also starting to shed more light on the "what do we do?" questions that we (and everyone else) have.  He is providing, and that brings a huge peace.

Sitting here typing I don't know how to transition from "We have peace because God is in control" to the next part without being entirely contradictory.  I have peace in knowing we will live here, knowing God has a plan for us to do something here, knowing that maybe next year (or in 4 years because, India) we will be adopting a sweet little girl.  But I also cannot deny the feelings of "Oh crap, I am out of my comfort zone. . . . and I've decided to move here."
Delhi is comfortable to me--I can speak Hindi there, I know the majority of the city by heart, and I can get anywhere via metro. Ongole is not comfortable in Western expectations, but I'm familiar with it, and so it's comfortable to me.  However, Chennai is a huge city with skinny winding roads that my brain cannot map out easily, and it uses a different language with what seems like a minimum of 7 syllables in each word.  For some reason, those two things along with having a sense of permanency in this move overwhelmed me a little yesterday.  Like, as soon as we got in our cab at the airport.

So, although it will take a lot of both effort and trust to get there, please pray for Liban and I to both become comfortable with the new language and city.  Pray also for us to be unified in our communication with each other because while this isn't a new adventure for either one of us, it is the first time we are embarking on it together.

 4 days until we leave for our Korea-Japan vacation, after seeing a very special 6 year old in Hyderabad!

1 comment:

  1. Anurag and I love you and are praying for you daily. May God's peace sweep over you and Liban. Thank you for sharing your heart.
