Saturday, March 1, 2014

Comfort in the Chaos.

Today's thoughts plaguing my mind: 
First things first: Michelle Duggar is crazy.
Secondly: stay-at-home moms are crazy.
Thirdly: working moms might be crazier.
Fourth: how in the world am I ever going to get a decent family picture with 21 kids?

I realize sometimes I might not be the best at this mom thing because, well, I lived with my parents and attended high school less than 5 years ago, and I still have a lot of growing up to do.

I mean, I know I'm not completely TERRIBLE at it.  And I know now that God was using those 15 years of helping in the church nursery, the10 years of babysitting, the 2 summers at Camp Barnabas, the pediatric clinicals, and almost all of my OT education as preparation for this time of pretending I can semi-adequately parent 21 (soon to be 22?) children with special needs. 

I know now that God was all along paving my way for this. And that's comforting.

It's comforting in times like this week when sleep comes only between 3-9 a.m., in less-than-two-hour intervals. It's comforting when I'm cleaning up one kid's vomit for the 43rd time in five days and when I realize I have impeccable skills at popping out of bed at 4 a.m. (which is odd because waking up at 6:30 to get the kids ready for school is the most disappointing part of my day every day!)

It's comforting to know that even with the frequent feelings of inadequacy as my hours are divided between way too many children, my two year old still cries for me at night, letting me know she loves me and knows I love her. It's comforting to know my 12 year old celebrates and yells "Mummmmyyyyy! Mummy! Mummy!" just at the sight of me on the stairs after a long day. It's comforting to know that God has put people in my life who encourage me, people who pray for me, people to whom I can vent, and: bonus! a particular person who will make me not be a single mama for the rest of my life. Hallelujah for that. 

I'm guessing that 10 years from now, I'm going to look back on this time and see how God was preparing me for...whatever is in store. And that's comforting.  It's comforting to know that every time I silently cry as I roll off my lumpy cot and drag myself to the door to answer a "Marla Mommy, one time open please?" at 10 p.m. when I had just dozed off, it's preparation for something in my future.

I can't express how much peace I have knowing that God is using every single thing I'm learning, every failure, every moment of joy, for something ahead of now.

I also can't express how glad I am that God is continuously allowing me to see that His timing is good. Given, it's often usually not whatever I want it to be--but it's even more perfect.

I am comforted knowing that God knew this week as a mama was gonna be rough--and that He had planned way ahead of me for my break in Delhi starting in the middle of next week. I am comforted knowing that He didn't just intend for this to be a break of catching up on sleep and seeing friends and enjoying my favorite city, but that He knew this will be a beautiful time I will get to spend with my guy--who just "happens" to have a job that pays for him to come to India.  I'm thankful God will give me those moments as hope for getting through the 3 1/2 months after I get back, as well as the hope I will need on the day I stop being "Marla Mummy" in June.

And, finally, an update on the life of my kiddos:

These are the 7 beauties of Grace Blue hanging out on their new-to-them-but-gently-used couch, awaiting Oreos and a Telugu-dubbed Ice Age!

As of yesterday, from the generous donations and pledges to donate, we now have a couch, a TV, and a DVD/music player in each of my 3 apartments. Thank you to everyone who has donated, making that possible.  I would still like to raise the remaining $600 to get a second couch or chair for each room, 2 plastic dining room sets for homework & tutoring, a bigger kiddie pool, and the bike for my kids aged 6-10. If you would be willing to donate, it would really mean a lot to me.  I am quite happy to pay for all of this out of my own pocket, but I don't know that that is the most financially wise thing for me to do at this time.  So, if you can, I don't really like asking for help, but please?  If you'd rather send a check, just let me know and I'll hook you up with my mom's mailing info. 
Tax-deductible donations can be given at

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