Are you ready to meet more precious beauties of Grace Blue?
The first: Jackie!
Jackie loves attention. Jackie loves being THE center of
attention. Jackie loves yelling “HIIIII!” and waving with her one-fingered hand
to everyone we pass when we take auto rides. (Jackie makes the policemen who
stand at the intersections roll their eyes or chuckle.) Jackie wants one of the following at all
times: 1) dance music, 2) movies, or 3) exploring new things. She’s also a cuddle bug, and aspires to do
everything independently. Every day,
right after school, she runs up to my room and says, “Marla Mommy! Marla Mommy!
Walk!” And sometimes, we go on a walk—me (the tall attention-attracting white
lady) holding the elbow of my little munchkin with limb differences as she bops
her head and walks in this funny, carefree, side-to-side leaning way.

Would you consider helping these little Indian girls transform their mostly empty apartment into a home? We are currently in need of funds for furniture, a TV & DVD player (CD players are not in existence here anymore), a tricycle, and a small bicycle with training wheels! If you are able and willing to help, please donate through this link!
The first: Jackie!
If you know this little spunky ball of fire, you’d know it
seems almost impossible to explain her using only the written word and no
facial expressions or videos. I’ll attempt my summary of this adorable five
year old:
Zinnia & Esther
I almost don’t know how to write about Zinnia without also
including Esther. Why? Well, these cutie
pies seem to be attached at the hip. If
one knocks at my door, saying “Marla Mummy, Marla Mummy, Marla Mummy” (Yes, it
is reminiscent of Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory), the other comes and helps
out with the knocking and yelling. If
one is filling the bedroom with water, so is the other one. If one is in
time-out, the other one just probably lucked out and didn’t get caught!
Esther has cerebral palsy,which physically only affects her left arm, and can just see the mischief in her eyes and grin. Zinnia has hand and feet differences, which affects her dexterity on occasion, but is primarily the sweet, thumb-sucking baby doll of the Grace Blue--when Esther doesn't have her involved in some sort of trouble! They go to playschool with Heidi and Angel, and it's a total pain to try to keep them and Jackie sitting still during their tutoring time after school! These two love being in things they shouldn't be in, playing with dolls, and any form of surprise or love. Actually, as I write this, Zinnia and her big brown eyes are in timeout for ripping the kiddie pool.
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