Monday, January 27, 2014

But What is Better

My previous post was about what is good.
To add to that,  I'll say my time in Thsiland is coming to a close, but thst it has been good.  Iam rested, relaxed, excited, and rejuvenated so that I am looking so foward to spending time with my girls. It has been good, and it is good what will come.
What is better is that God has rocked my entire world and just keeps shaking what I thought was my life plan. In the matter of a month I have gone from fundraising-planning for my assumed 2 year return to Ongole (to continue fostering my girls) to watching God orchestrate a beautiful relationship in the most amazing of ways, with this guy I'm kinda crazy about.
So, over the next 5 months of my being in India, I will be making the most of my time at SCH while simultaneuously preparing to leave my baby girl and other 19 daughters at the end of June. I cannot do that without God, and my prayer is that I will have the strength to give everything while I am here, yet the strength to leave and follow God joyfully when the time comes.
Over the next five months I will be growing as much in the Lord as possible, seeking to know Him more, seeking to know what ministry it is that He has for me back in Springfield, as well as what OT career I am supposed to journey towards.
Over the next five months I will be learning everything I possibly can about the one who is easily the most amazing guy I have ever met. I will be praying for patience as we date via Skype, which isn't the most fun thing in the world although we both understand why God has that as part of the plan. I will be exuberant when I get to see him in New Delhi, his hometown. I will glow as I introduce him to my daughters, and I will count down the days until I get to see him again at the Springfield airport, when we'll finally be living not only on the same continent but in the same town!
But above all, these next five months we will be praying, and I would like to ask that you pray with us:
-Pray that God will be the focus of everything we are, everything we do, together and individually.
-Pray that we will receive wisdom as we take further steps: in our relationship, in international or local ministry, in orphan care, in intentional friendships.
-Pray that we will be patient and purposeful and as we live our lives while preparing to return to India someday. (And pray that I will praise God through the highly uncomfortable period of adjusting to American life again.)
-Pray that all 20 of my daughters will have loving and hopefully long term foster mothers when I leave or soon after, and pray that adoptions will allow for permanent homes and forever mommies--those who will truly be able to love and be present unconditionally.

In case you missed it: things are getting very real, folks, and my life has (again) been changed forever. God is good, and He has been opening my eyes to see that His blessings are truly abundant. What's truly amazing is that He has so much more to come; I am excited for all that He does next.

P.S. I will introduce the guy to you at some point, but the timing just isn't quite right yet. Soon, though, I promise :)

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