Friday, December 13, 2013

Meet the Family, Part 1 of 3

I realized I sometimes tend to write random pieces of info about my girls, forgetting that you really don't know much about them.  So, here is my attempt at brevity in introducing them, while still letting you see who they are (as I see them).

1. The baby, Angel.  She is 3 1/2 and adorable with her black ringlets and big brown eyes.  Her smile and giggles will light up the room, and it's often due to some mischievous act.  She is extremely cuddly--but it takes a long time for her to become attached enough to do this. If music is on, Angel is beebopping (spelling?) her way around somewhere!  Her curiosity and eagerness to see new things leads to her tiny self dragging me down the stairs and street, if I tell her to get her shoes because we're going for a walk.  Lately, she's also become quite the Telugu chatterbox, reminding me that I need to learn some more vocabulary.

2. Heidi.  Heidi is a little mama at age 4, and she will scold you with the pouty face, wagging finger, and a gentle slap (tap) if you do something she doesn't want.  On some kids, it would be annoying, but on her, it's the cutest thing you've ever seen, and it wins over pretty much everyone--especially as she giggles endlessly afterwards.  She loves to play with my hair, and tries to do hers as well, so we both have a lot of tangles quite frequently!  Heidi often plays alone, but when she decides to play with someone, it's a blast.
Although a  year older, Heidi has been with Angel since the time they were in the government orphanage.  They are sisters in the deepest sense of the word!  Haha, if one has something (be it a piece of paper or an actual toy or a section of my hair), the other one demands it within 3 seconds.  They sleep together, eat next to each other, go to playschool together, get in trouble together, and help each other carry their dresses to the laundry basket.  I guess Indian girls "have" to walk to the bathroom together, too, and these girls have that concept down to a tee! If these pictures and descriptions aren't enough to make you think that they're adorable, they get free fruit and cookies from random shopkeepers anytime we go for a walk--they're just that cute.

Apologies for not a fantastic individual picture of Heidi--she's not a smiler for the camera, and if she's doing something, it's always with Angel! :)

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