Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mary Poppins had it good.

As I sit here writing this post, in preparation for the day that we have semi-reliable internet that will allow me to upload it, there are 2 Kazakh, 1 Ethiopian, and 1 Caucasian American girls singing (and periodically dancing) to the Bollywood tunes coming from my laptop.  It’s pretty darn cute.
Anyways, back to Mary Poppins:
Everything in the world that she wanted could fit in a small handbag that appeared to weigh less than three pounds, whereas I traveled with 100ish pounds.  Mary Poppins could distract her two children with a simple song, dance, and spoon full of sugar.  When that wasn’t enough, she could take them to magical places with the slightest tap of her parasol.
(Or from what I remember anyways)
Needless to say, as I’m nannying the 3 little Segebarth girls plus a little girl “Eyerus” who is living in the guesthouse waiting for her adoption to be finalized, there are a few moments that I am envious of this Mary Poppins.  I especially wish I had her “floating” or flying ability when I’m chasing all four children up two flights of stairs, around the balcony, back down one flight of stairs, around the balcony, down the other flight of stairs, through the clothesline covered in wet sheets, around the front porch, and everything all over again. If you didn’t guess, my exercise for this month consists of tag, and I am sure I will get quite a few miles in. 
I haven’t actually been beyond the guesthouse walls since arriving from the airport, excluding the retrieval of one bouncy ball that was thrown over the gate, but we’re pretty happy playing on the guesthouse grounds.  Our days begin with a little girl styling my hair each morning after my shower (we’ve had to make a schedule so everyone gets a turn, and if I have a shorter haircut by the end of the July, someone probably singed my hair with their mom’s straightener).  Then Addi and I make and remake multi-story LEGOs houses, while the little girls make abstract buildings.  Afterwards, we take 20 minutes deciding who gets which Barbie and play happily for an hour or two before someone takes someone else’s accessories. After lunch, I take a board exam study break, and then comes our “Starburst” break, followed by much needed energy-relieving time of tag and every organized outdoor game you can think of.
After teaching one of them to the girls, Eyerus asked me: “Why do we say ‘Mother, may I?’”  That, my dear, is a question I cannot answer.


And, now we're at the Sheraton soaking up some reliable Wifi.  The girls and I have been out of the house quite a bit the past couple days. We went bowling, to church, and a couple of restaurants.  Sometimes the girls have been a bit overwhelming--but I can't expect them to be experienced travelers at ages 6 and 10, so I can't complain.   I don't really feel like a lot has happened, but maybe that's just because it's a different type of travel than I'm used to. 

I miss my India, and I'm ready to be there, I will say that. :) There is a lot that reminds me of a mix between India and Morocco--except that 90% of the buildings are under major construction here in Addis.  

The people are quite beautiful and friendly.  I am loving that, although I am still in the Indian mindset of not smiling or making eye contact or touching men in general, much less ones that I don't know.  Here, the driver or guard greets me each morning as I come downstairs/outside with a loving handshake and occasionally an arm around me.  Everyone else seems to have adapted to it, and am trying to lose everything that I learned last summer--but that's not much happening. 

I am probably not going to be posting again until India, unless some miracle happens and we have Wifi at the guesthouse.  In the meantime, ciao!

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