Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tomorrow's Memories

Of the thousands of good moments here over the past few days, the memories that will stick most with me thus far are the following:

9.  A young boy on a bicycle crashing into a parked bus this morning because he was staring at me.  I couldn't keep from laughing, the poor thing. 

8.  J. collecting my kisses as I blow them across the room at him.

7.  Baby C.'s smile as she thinks she's playing peek a boo (she covers her forehead instead of her eyes and then still gives the surprised look expected as she throws her arms up!)

6.  The sweet, never-ending generosity of the director's two kids.

5.  My first Indian fair.  Wonderful, simplistic, beautifully unique in how the village attempts to recreate the Westernized things, but yet keeps them Indian and old-school.

4.  Watching kids play cricket in an empty lot.  Sometime, culturally appropriate or not, I might ask them to teach me to play :)

3.  Ice cream.  In this heat, it's goodness cannot be underestimated.

2.  Dancing with the kids on the rooftop at night, and seeing their smiles light up.

1.  Praying over some of the older women at church.  I don't really know what their requests were, but I know these women are the ones who have passed on their faith to the younger generations of India, and I'm so thankful for them.

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