Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am blessed.
I'm learning this more as I journey through the Perspectives course; my eyes are being opened so much. Mostly to the blessings that God is pouring down on me.
Tonight we had small group (composed of Indian families, the occasional other American, and college-age me) at a family's home.  The room was filled with people of brown and "wheatish" skin praising the Lord.  It's ordinary for them, but for me, it's pure bliss. Knowing that the church I intend to go to one day has spread here is comforting.
To hear an aunty open in prayer in Hindi brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad He is "a global God."
The feelings I have when I'm surrounded by this community are indescribable. It's better than falling in love, that's the only comparison I can give that even comes close.  Just knowing that He has given me ALL this to bless me now is remarkable. Knowing that He has given me this purpose makes a year and a half more of grad school bearable.
Speaking of grad school, He is blessing me there too, although I know at times I will not see it as such! My research advisor is Indian, which gives me opportunities to adapt to the different levels of respect in Indian culture. Both my pediatric and adult clients are nonverbal and the most "challenging" clients, according to my professors.  I see this as His way of preparing me for not being able to communicate with some of my patients overseas.  I see the challenge as a "therapy bootcamp" so that I will be ready to be the primary (temporary) therapist of children this summer.
On a less serious note, I have confidence that my hindi will improve greatly before I leave! Through both tonight's Punjabi Bible study translation and Mama's Farsi explanations during English tutoring, I am able to pick out many words that I know.  And these languages are not even the one I am learning!  Now, if I could only gain confidence to speak. . . .
Either way, I am blessed because I have $3549 left to raise, 118 days to work on my vocabulary, and ??? number of hours until my second nephew will be born!

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